Use Cases for a Mobile Tower

Posted on: July 10, 2024


During the pandemic, many school districts and local governments purchased mobile towers to supply students, families and organizations with critical internet service. Others, such as HAM radio operators and private companies, utilize mobile towers to transmit and receive signals for communication purposes.

You can use mobile towers for a variety of applications, including helping first responders, empowering events and connecting rural counties or campuses. Keep reading to discover what you can do with your tower to assist your community and support local people and businesses.

First Responders Can Deploy a Mobile Tower for Major Events

Emergency events can cause major disruptions to everyday life. Floods, earthquakes, fires, severe weather and car crashes require emergency services, and your mobile tower could offer significant assistance. People need to be able to contact loved ones, and first responders need reliable communication. Police officers, firefighters and EMTs can rely on a COW rental to send and receive information in order to evacuate people and save lives in any location.

Many factors, such as adverse weather conditions, heavy traffic levels, distance and terrain features, can interfere with cell signals. Mobile towers offer a convenient way to ensure reliable communication. Along with receiving and sending messages, these towers allow responders to access emergency alerts, such as threat notifications, government notices and AMBER alerts.



Enlist Your Local HAM Radio Community

Amateur radio is a popular hobby that connects people, communication and electronics. People use this service to talk across towns, in different states and throughout the world. HAM radio is fun and educational, but it can also be a lifesaver during emergencies and times of crisis. When there is too much traffic or adverse conditions are affecting towers, HAM radio can connect first responders to each other and the public. If you have an amateur radio tower that sits unused, reach out to the HAM community to see if they would be interested in taking it.

Use a Mobile Surveillance Tower for Construction Areas

Construction sites often face safety and security challenges. Vandalism, accidents and theft threaten construction materials and equipment. A mobile security tower can provide the security required to track equipment and monitor who enters and exits the area. This can prevent several safety concerns, including:

  • Unsafe practices: Security can make it much easier to identify unsafe practices. With proper surveillance, construction sites can quickly address improper use of equipment, hazardous environments or poor work practices. These towers can also make it easier to alert the authorities in the event of an emergency.
  • Theft and vandalism: Cameras are a deterrent for multiple types of crime, including vandalism and theft. This can lead sites to have more successful projects with fewer setbacks. If the site experiences theft or vandalism, the security tower can provide a better means of identifying the culprit.
  • Inconsistent building progress: Construction projects often face deadlines and time constraints. Although some minor setbacks are natural, it’s essential to identify areas where work could be moving quicker. A portable security tower allows those on-site to determine problem areas and practices. As a result, management can better track the project’s timeline and quickly address concerns.
  • Liability issues: Construction sites must adhere to several safety regulations. Security towers can empower project managers and other personnel to monitor safety practices. Having documentation of the site can prove a project’s compliance and ensure each person meets regulations.

Give Connectivity to an Isolated County or Campus

Many organizations, businesses and schools opted for mobile towers when people were making a shift to remote work and at-home learning. Now that in-person activities have resumed, there’s no longer a need for these towers in some locations.

Schools and universities can utilize their current towers in more efficient ways rather than giving them away. Moving your tower to other areas of campus can empower students to maintain high productivity and find other opportunities. This option can also enhance campus safety, allowing people to call for help in the event of emergencies or contact loved ones when needed.

If your campus doesn’t need additional towers, there may be other schools that could use them. Internet in rural areas can be challenging to use, with slow loading speeds and inconsistent connectivity. Mobile towers empower isolated campuses and communities to close the digital divide by creating access to resources like applications, at-home deliveries, long-distance learning, emergency services and online-only services.

Utilize Your Portable Cellular Tower for Events

Stadiums, arenas and other large venues can create challenges for wireless carriers. Large amounts of people can overcrowd communication networks. Sports fans and event-goers often have to disconnect from the world when enjoying a big event. The result is often frustration, both for event patrons as well as venue owners and vendors who rely on wireless systems to perform business functions.

A mobile tower could be the solution your local venues need. They can encourage your community to gather for more events and welcome more people and opportunities. With improved network coverage and increased capacity, you enable attendees to share videos and pictures of your events on social media, increasing community awareness. You can also use mobile towers to ensure vendors have a stable network connection for customer transactions and communication for better attendee experiences.

Another advantage of portable cellular towers for events is boosting safety and security. Better coverage means more reliable emergency communication for faster response times in case of a medical or crisis situation. Event hosts can feel good knowing they’re providing better connectivity and data speeds for quick action. Staff, attendees and vendors will feel more at ease, too.

Learn More About Our Mobile Communications Towers

At Aluma Tower, our reliable products provide long service life and a low risk of failure. Regardless of your equipment requirements, we can deliver the application-based foundation you need for telecom service, amateur radio, military communications, surveillance and more.

We understand the critical nature of your project, and we focus our process entirely on meeting your needs. Our skilled manufacturing technicians, electrical and mechanical engineers, and management staff have more than 100 years of combined experience. Our team focuses on innovation to keep our customers engaged.

You can find products with significantly fewer maintenance requirements and more reliability at Aluma Tower. We offer a small footprint and lightweight portability. Experience the best value, longer service life cycle and rapid deployment capabilities. Speaking of longevity, mobile towers have many uses, and you can reuse them in a variety of ways. Reach out to learn more about our use cases and products.
